Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Pony Is Getting Longer?

If there's one thing I love about the warmer months is that in general my hair grows faster. I put my hair in a pony tail for when I was going to workout outside in the sun, like I said in another post I'm glad that these combined locks are holding into a style. Not sure if the pony is getting any longer but I'm sorta seeing a difference...just a little :)

*The first pic was from February 2010 and the second is from April 2010*


  1. I definitely see some growth. That's a lot in 2 months. Keep it up!


  2. I can definitely tell a difference in those front locs. Like my kids say, that's awesome!!

  3. aaaw...beautiful!!!
    your locs remind me of my journey
    here's my last shot:

  4. Aw your freeform locs were beautiful! :) I'm still not sure if I would ever freeform 100% one day, but who knows! ;) The more I see freeformed locs the more encourage I am to try it for at least a year, in the future...
