Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nice Dreads

I just finished reading "Nice Dreads" by Lonnice Brittenum Bonner. Overall I thought it was a very fast and quick read, and fairly enjoyable. I finished it in about an hour. This book is mostly for those who are either thinking about getting dreads or have just started. Being that I've been locked for over a year, and have relied mostly on facebook, fotki, youtube, nappturality,, and countless other sites to learn about starting, maintaining, and cultivating locs, I found this book more as a refresher of everything I already know about dreads. Nonetheless, it still was an enjoyable read! The author talks a lot about her own personal journey and naturally talks about the struggles most people commonly have when having to grip with their natural tresses and the "reality" of it, realizing that our hair just isn't like Caucasian hair types. She delves into ways of taking care of locs, products to use, and the journey as a whole. She also gives a spotlight to a couple of other loc'ed beauties who give a little snippet of their locking journey as well. All in all, I'd highly recommend all loc wearers to read "Nice Dreads."


  1. Hey! Glad to find your blog! I'm a newbie (coming up on my 1yr loc-anniversary), so I'm completely consumed with learning, learning, learning from my loc sistas!

    I've heard good things about this book -- gotta get it!

    Nice to meet you - I'm Boogie!

  2. Hi Boogie, nice to meet cha! Yay to being close to your 1-year anniversary, definitely a milestone! I'm still learning from my loc sistas it never gets old, I just love reading about locs even if by now I know what it is all about hehe. This book is great! A very quick and informative read.
