Monday, May 31, 2010

Loc Jewelry

These pics are of the loc jewelry that my friend has made, taken back in November while I was living in England. He can make them in any shape, size, or color and customize it anyway you like. These pics aren't representive of ALL the loc jewelry he has made for me it's just an example of some. How much do you think is a reasonable price to sell them for? Any comments would be really appreciated!


  1. I think most folx price their loc jewels anywhere from $3-$9. I'd only pay more if it was super intricate with a funky kind of bead or something like that. I suppose it's up to him and what he feels his labor time is worth. $5 seems safe if he's just starting off. I'd increase the price as the demand increases. Economics, baby! Tell him to keep up the great work because these are lovely.

  2. Thanks B I appreciate the input! He appreciates it too!
